Moon Dream Cavaliers
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Moon Dream Cavaliers
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What to know when you adopt a new puppy
Potty Training/Tips
There are a variety of methods for potty training; this is our preferred approach:
Keep a stash of small treats with you, or near the door where you will take your puppy outside to potty. (I recommend a treat pouch to clip to your pants).
Take your puppy out:
- Every 3 hours
- Every time he/she wakes up
- After every meal
3. Immediately reward the puppy with a small treat after they potty outside.
4. Praise, praise, praise
5. Until the puppy is potty trained, keep him/her in the exercise pen, crate or on a leash while they are with you. This will help prevent accidents in the house.
If there is an accident in the house, do NOT yell at the puppy, or rub their nose in the potty. They do not understand that going potty inside is wrong. Once the puppy is yelled at after going potty, they will work to hide from you when they need to potty. They will stop going potty in front of you to avoid your anger. They will not go potty outside, then will hide inside and go potty when you are not looking (behind the couch, in a corner, or wherever you do not see them).
Typically, a puppy can control their bladder one hour for every month of age. So, if your puppy is 3 months old, they can hold it for about three hours. As they grow and age you can increase the time in between potty breaks. If you choose to use bells by your door, where you will takeyour puppy out, be sure to ring the bells each time you go out. You can put the puppy by the bells and touch them with his/her nose or paw.
Take your dog to the same spot in the yard for a clearer message and easier cleanup.
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