Moon Dream Cavaliers
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Moon Dream Cavaliers
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New Puppy Supply Kits
Buy Two, three or four kits receive 10% OFF
Buy all five kits, receive $75.00 OFF
Kits are available at time of puppy pick-up. We do not ship kits.
Mental stimulation Kit ($49.96)
Seek-a-Treat Connector Puzzle, Seek-A-Treat; Flip N Slide, Snuffle Mat, and Treat Ball:
Dogs need at least 20 minutes of mental stimulation per day. We recommend playing with your puppy at least twice a day. You may find that two training sessions at different times of the day work well and won't overwhelm your dog. Always end on a positive note.
Put your dog in a sit-stay and hide the treat(s) in one of the brain toys. Then give your dog the release cue to go find the treat(s). Reward your dog with a lot of verbal praise for its success in finding the hidden treasure. Once your dog understands the game, ramp up the difficulty. Your puppy will be much less likely to get into trouble by chewing furniture, shoes, or other dangerous items such as electrical cords. Puppies and dogs that have plenty of mental exercise are better at decision making, reaction time, and short-term memory. They also tend to sleep better, have better focus, self-esteem, problem solving skills and socialization. It is as important as physical exercise, if not more.
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